What Is TH!NK GT Camp?
For over three decades, Threshold provided a summer enrichment opportunity for K-9 grade advanced and gifted learned in the Abilene area. All teachers in the program hold a master’s degree and many years of experience in gifted education. They write curriculum that focuses on high-level thinking and problem solving that covers topics not usually covered in school.
In 2020, the camp was renamed as TH!NK GT Camp and planned in two new settings, one housed at a local school and one housed in Birdville. TH!NK GT Camp participants much qualify for a gifted program in their local school or participate in the testing provided by our program. Once students are accepted, the students will want to return each year for the learning experiences and the wonderful relationships with other gifted children.
Plans for 2021 are just beginning, of course with extra caution because of COVID-19. Last year, TH!NK GT Camp was canceled because schools were not comfortable providing learning settings that were clean and safe. Those schools will help us determine if we can provide a safe, summer enrichment experience this year.
At this point, we hope to provide the same curriculum planned for last year that we had to cancel. TH!NK GT Camp dates are not set for 2021 but will probably fall close to the dates of last year. Via email, we will notify all parents whose children registered last year or attended the previous year as soon as details are secure. We use the database each year to contact parents. You can also provide your contact information on the Home page of this site to be added to our database or to update your information. Be sure to note this is for TH!NK GT Camp. Hope to see you at TH!NK GT Camp 2021 in Abilene or the Metroplex.
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